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Rhode Island Businesses


> Retail and Consumer Services >> Art & Design

Rhode Island Art & Design Business Listings
Boylan Renovations
Providence, Rhode Island 02908
Phone: 401-238-5774

Email Boylan Renovations  Locate Boylan Renovations  Visit the Boylan Renovations website
Newport Scrimshander
14 Bowen’s Wharf
Newport, Rhode Island 02840
Phone: 800-635-5234

Email Newport Scrimshander  Visit the Newport Scrimshander website
Scrapbook Cottage
Belltower Plaza
Bristol, Rhode Island 02809
Phone: 401-253-9800

Email Scrapbook Cottage  
The Craft Workshop
1395 Atwood Ave.
Greenville, Rhode Island 02919
Phone: 401-723-0670

Email The Craft Workshop  
Wendy Blackburn Designs
P.O. Box 1751
Greenville, Rhode Island 02893
Phone: 401-261-2254

Email Wendy Blackburn Designs  Visit the Wendy Blackburn Designs website

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